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In a follow-up post on Saturday, Quanda Bandz continued, sharing her disappointment that Keed will never meet their unborn child. What am I supposed to tell Naychur? What am I gone tell our new baby? Keed I just told you the other day if you left me with these two kids I was gone loose my mind,' she wrote. I can’t breathe right sleep right nothing I don’t even wanna talk to nobody. Along with a series of videos, which included the two drinking champagne in the bathtub, partying together, and sharing the positive results of her pregnancy test, Bandz expressed her sadness at losing Keed. Quanda Bandz, Lil Keed's girlfriend and mother of their daughter Naychur, also shared a lengthy post in his honor. On Saturday, Gotit added, 'All gas no brakes no playin, I got you Keed.' Gotit continued on his Instagram Story, posting a look at his sad face along with several crying emojis, as well as 'Whyyy bra, whyyy u leave me bra.” “I know what u want me to do and that’s go hard for Mama Daddy Our Brothers Naychur and Whiteboy.” “Can’t believe I seened u die today bro I did all my cries,” Lil Keed's brother Lil Gotit wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of the two. The popular Atlanta rapper (real name: Raqhid Jevon Render) was signed to Young Thug’s Young Slime Life record label.

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